Orange-SLS Records

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Orange-SLS Records is a small label run out of a basement, and is completely DIY! The label was established in 2009 to put out the first Specel Lesters Shoes album "Fake Savior" and has grown friends and family a little every year since, and now offers everything from cds and records to zines and books. All CD's are still mixed ourselves and every release is handmade in true DIY fashion so instead of buying one CD for $15 from a music store you can get 3 of ours for the same! We are still a one man operation but now with many minds behind it, we stay true to the labels and people that inspired us (Chris Clavin at Plan-It-X Records, Mike Park at Asian Man Records!) and don't look to make profits but to fund new projects! We run everything through a true DIY mail-order business (ya we're still rocking the PO Box!) and a bandcamp/website (but it's much more fun to keep it real so send us mail its much cooler!) either way order a zine or write a letter we'll send you out a catalog and a sampler or just simply put you on a mailing list to keep you posted on the fun stuff to come!

Orange-SLS Records "Slices" by Orange - SLS Records